We all have that one friend, or maybe a colleague, who knows it all. Not in a fun TikTok fact kinda way, but in a really annoying, grind-you-down and show-you-up kinda way. They just LOVE to flex their knowledge of every topic in the whole entire world. They're just better than you, OK?!
Well, NOT ANYMORE. We've got 5 facts about your favourite fermented bevvie to REALLY show them up and, hopefully, shut them up. Pull out these bad boys at your next dinner party or lunch table conversation, and watch them quiver. Who's the smart one now? You are. And we know, it feels good.
Kombucha has been around for 2,000+ years
Yup, you heard right. Kombucha ain't no fad, it’s been around for over 2,000 years. Most people believe that kombucha originated in China during the Qin Dynasty, around 220BC, for the Emperor Qinshi Huangdi, which is where the “cha” comes from (being the Chinese word for tea). In ancient China, kombucha was called “The Tea of Immortality”.
Old-school fermentation = live cultures
When kombucha is fermented the old-school way and kept raw, unpasteurised and unfiltered, as per Remedy’s process, it contains healthy, living, good bacteria – or live cultures. One 330ml bottle of Remedy Kombucha contains 330 million live cultures (that's a lot!).
Kombucha contains antioxidants
Remedy Kombucha is teeming with naturally occurring tea polyphenols that are rich in antioxidants which may help the body fight illness. Not bad for a fizzy drink, hey?
Oh, and Remedy Kombucha also contains organic acids
Remedy Kombucha is also packed with organic acids. Organic acids are created throughout the fermentation process of kombucha. These organic acids (AKA short chain fatty acids) are also produced by our gut microbes (gut bugs) when we consume healthy amounts of dietary fibre from whole food plant-based sources - fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes and whole grains. Neat!
We keep our kombucha culture strong
Every single batch of Remedy Kombucha uses a descendent of the first kombucha culture that Sarah and Emmet Condon started out brewing with, resulting in an extremely strong and healthy live culture within the drink. This is one of the key reasons that, unlike some kombucha brands, Remedy doesn’t have to be stored in the fridge!