What Is In Sodaly?

What Is In Sodaly?

If you’ve been a Remedy lover for a while now, you’re probably pretty used to cracking open our Kombucha. It’s what our humble drinks biz is founded on, after all.

A few years back, we decided to branch out into the soft drinks game—but with a very Remedy twist! We now offer all-natural, sugar-free sodas that pack a scrumptious punch.

We called these bangin’ bevs Sodaly, and a few years on, Sodaly has taken off well and truly.

So, what is Sodaly? What is it made from? How is Sodaly different from Kombucha? Here are the answers to all the questions you have about our sugar free soft drink.

What is Sodaly?

Sodaly is a natural soft drink. We like to think of it as a super simple and scrumptious trade up from the full sugar, artificial soft drinks you’ve seen on supermarket shelves for decades. 

When you hear the word “natural” you might think it tastes like green juice or fish oil or shots of apple cider vinegar that have been preached by wellness warriors on the interwebs.

Don’t get us wrong, we have no issues with any of these things if they work for ya! We just prefer our daily dose of goodness to taste like a treat, not like something you have to close your eyes / hold your nose / slam back as fast as humanly possible, just to get it over with.

Taste is our #1 priority when it comes to Sodaly, which is why it comes in seven bangin’ flaves to suit any kind of tastebud. But what do we put in this natural bev to make it better than the classic soft drinks? 

What ingredients are in Sodaly?

The ingredients vary between flaves, but there are three core ingredients that make Sodaly the natural soft drink we know and love. 

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV): Instead of the fermented tea we use to brew kombucha, we use ACV as the base for Sodaly. ACV has been known to aid digestion and help promote a healthy gut microbiota, making it ACV a perfect fit for a Remedy bevvie.

Natural flavours: We use 100% natural ingredients in all Remedy bevs, and Sodaly is no different. This includes our flavours. We use natural fruit extract to flavour our drinks, giving them a fruitalicious taste without the chemical-esque aftertaste you may find in artificial flaves.

Natural sweeteners: Sodaly is sugar free, so we use 100% natural and certified organic sweeteners to balance out the acidity of the ACV. You can learn more about how we sweeten our bevs here

What is NOT in Sodaly?

Sodaly is jam-packed full of goodness, but some of the goodness comes from what we don’t put in our natural soft drinks.

Sugar: Like all Remedy bevs, Sodaly is 100% sugar free. Don’t get us wrong, we’re all about treating ourselves to a Freddo frog for a mid-arvo sweet treat, but we like to make simple swaps to better-for-you alternatives where we can, and a sugar free soft drink is an easy choice to make.

Artificial sweeteners: We’re not really fans of ingredients made in a lab, and sweeteners are no different. You won’t see any random numbers (e.g. Sweetener 951) in our ingredients lists. It’s just not the way we do things here at Remedy.

Caffeine: Sodaly is also caffeine-free. While we’re all for a caffeine boost to get through the afternoon slump or to amp us up before a workout, it’s nice to sip on a caffeine free bev from time to time. Whether you’re sensitive to caffeine, sharing with your little ones or need a break from caffeine, Sodaly is the bev for you.

How is Sodaly different from Kombucha? 

Sodaly and Kombucha are both 100% natural, sugar free drinks. The key difference is their base.

In a nutshell, kombucha is fermented tea. We follow the traditional method of brewing kombucha around here, which involves a natural fermentation of sweet tea with a live culture (AKA: SCOBY).

The result is a seriously delish sparkling drink that contains the goodness of live cultures, tea polyphenols (antioxidants) and organic acids.

Sodaly, on the other hand, is a sugar free soft drink. Sodaly is not a kombucha drink. There are no tea leaves, no SCOBY and no fermenting involved with making Sodaly.

Instead, Sodaly is made with apple cider vinegar (OK, maybe there is still a little bit of fermenting), which contains prebiotics that may help aid digestion, enhance immunity and promote healthy skin. 

In short: Sodaly is made with ACV, Kombucha is fermented tea.

Where can you buy Sodaly?

Believe it or not, Sodaly is available in a bucketload of supermarkets around Australia and New Zealand! 

Australia: Woolworths, Coles, independent supermarkets and online.

New Zealand: Woolworths, Pak N Save, New World, independent supermarkets and online.

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