We’ve pulled out the big dog, Dr Kombucha* himself, AKA Ben Shewry from Attica, AKA our Remedy ambassador, to talk to you all about a topic we all love – Kombucha!

Please sit back and enjoy this short educational video on all things Kombucha.


So there you have it, now you've seen how all the magic happens!

If you want a recap, Remedy Kombucha is brewed in Melbourne the traditional way, for 30 days, in small batches – so small you can give them a hug – because everyone needs a hug sometimes.

Only the best, high quality, all natural ingredients are used in Remedy Kombucha. The process begins by brewing a big pot of sweet tea. Remedy uses organic black and green tea, which are both tested to ensure a high polyphenol count, aka antioxidants.

The secret ingredient is then added - some of the existing Remedy Kombucha culture from previous brews. This kickstarts the fermentation process. Rumour has it that the Remedy culture is over 40 years old and was given to the founders by German backpackers (we can’t confirm or deny this claim).

During the 30-day fermentation process, the bacteria and yeast from the culture consume all the sugar and convert it into gut-loving organic acids, leaving none behind. Each batch is rigorously tested to ensure this.

After fermentation, fresh lemon juice, crushed ginger, and all natural flavours and extracts are added to create that signature great Remedy taste.

Then it’s bottled and canned and sent directly to you.

*Please note Ben is not a doctor, he is just a Chef. But he is a bloody good one.

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