Healthy Happy Habit Stacking

1300---Healthy Happy Habit Stacking

By Remedy Nutritionist Jacqueline Alwill

Habit stacking is one of the techniques that, as a Nutritionist, I encourage people to try when they want to make changes to their diet and health and *ACTUALLY* maintain them. Habit stacking can make things much easier than trying to implement new habits in isolation.

To understand how you can stack a new habit, you look at your current habits in place (brushing teeth, making the bed, getting dressed, eating lunch, going to sleep, etc. etc.) and well cemented, then build the new habit on top of them. Over time this becomes a norm, a habit cemented. At this point, you could consider what the next habit might be to stack on these again.

Think about these habits and points during the day that you could stack a new habit onto an existing one.

After I brush my teeth in the morning (habit), I’ll drink 2 glasses of water (new habit, stacked)

Water is important for hydration, supporting bodily functions such as nutrient transportation, for the health and integrity of cells, regulating body temp, blood volume and pressure, and for natural detoxification pathways via perspiration, urination, and via the gut, passing healthy bowel motions, among other things.

The reality is that many people forget water and go straight for a caffeine hit in the morning, starting their day dehydrated and then amplifying it by choosing tea or coffee before water.

Improve your water intake this year with this habit stacked onto your morning wake-up routine. 2 glasses of water is a simple improvement on your morning routine and very achievable.

After I eat my breakfast (habit), I’ll prep a nutritious lunch and pair it with a Remedy Shot (new habit, stacked)

Understandably, not everyone eats breakfast at the same time of day or even eats breakfast at all, so if that’s you, then find another habit in your morning that you can stack making a healthy lunch onto. Packing a nutritious lunch after you’ve eaten your breakfast or after you’re dressed in the morning (habit) makes your midday pause easier, healthier, and gives you time back.

Teaming it with a Remedy Shot is a convenient, not to mention delicious, no brainer addition to your packed lunch. These small but mighty shots are made with functional ingredients to support health. They are the only functional shot made WITHOUT sugar, and with a choice of ENERGY, DIGESTION, IMMUNE+ and SLEEP means you can take a shot to suit your needs at any time of day.

Remedy Digestion contains apple cider vinegar, ginger, prebiotics, lemon juice, natural honey, lemongrass and turmeric for a delicious gingery-tangy shot that can help stimulate digestion and support healing in the gut.

Remedy Immune+ is your shot to fire when you’re under stress, feeling a bit run down, or know you’re about to give things in life (work, exercise etc) a big push. Remedy Immune+ is made on a base of kombucha (hello little living cultures, organic acids and tea polyphenols!) and boosted with Vitamin A, C and B6 to support immune health from acerola cherries, blakeslea trispora, lemon and quinoa sprouts.

Remedy Energy (my personal go-to right now) is also made on a base of kombucha and boosted with functional ingredients such as ginseng and coffee bean extract to give you a real pep in your step. I love the berry taste of Remedy Energy.

And, of course, there’s Remedy Sleep, a great one to stack into an evening routine and create a new habit, perhaps rather than packing it for lunch or during the day. Remedy Sleep includes beautiful ingredients such as passionflower, L-theanine, valerian root and chamomile to help support and reduce stress and improve relaxation - the combination we need for a good night of sleep.

After I have my lunch (habit), I’ll take a gentle walk around the block …instead of slumping back down at my desk (new habit, stacked).

If exercise is something you want to do more of in 2024 but you haven’t been doing much then looking at some windows in your day just to walk is a way to start moving again. After lunch if this works for you is a wonderful way to stack a habit onto an already existing one.

You’ll naturally increase your incidental exercise (NEAT) making you less sedentary over the course of the day, get into a habit of moving again, AND movement like a walk after a meal can help to improve insulin sensitivity and blood glucose levels too. So many great benefits from one habit stacked onto an already existing one.

After I wrap up work for the day (habit) I’ll enjoy a refreshing Remedy Kombucha instead of a wine (habit stacked).

Less alcohol for the year, something you want to make a habit of? This is a really simple solution. Swap the booze in the fridge for your favourite Remedy Kombucha flavours and after work you’re able to build the habit of choosing booch over booze with ease.

Remedy Kombucha is a raw, unpasteurised kombucha brewed over a 30-day fermentation process to create a delicious kombucha filled with antioxidants, organic acids and live cultures, WITHOUT sugar and with plenty of gut-loving and health-supportive benefits.

Remedy’s booch comes in a variety of absolutely epic flavours to tailor to everyone’s taste (my love for Orange Squeeze and Peach is REAL) and in a choice of 250ml cans, or 330ml and 1.25L bottles. Stock up on yours and stack this healthy habit into your 2024, starting today.

After I finish dinner (habit), I’ll brew a herbal tea and wind down with a book (new habit, stacked).

It’s easy to fall into the trap of flopping down and getting caught in a stream / scrolling binge, missing out on an actual wind down. Support your sleep and stress levels by giving your nervous system a solid wind down and switch off for the close of the day. An herbal tea, switching off devices (goodbye notifications!), and creating a cozy environment to read are some of the best new habits you can stack onto an existing one (eating dinner). It’s simple, actionable and a stress reduction practice more people could use.

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